Lesson.1 – Basic Law and Position
About the basic holding and posture of the harmonica
Lesson.2 – notation and actual pitch
Here, we must remind you of a very important concept. Generally speaking, the harmonica scores we see are mostly based on the notation. If the staves are used to record, the actual pitch on the score will be different from the pitch of the harmonica by octave.
Lesson.3 – Scale arrangement and single hole inclusion
The single-hole inclusion method is the easiest method to learn. Most beginners get a harmonica, and the first subconscious will use the method before they are instructed.
Lesson.4 – Mid-range scale practice
When playing, remember that the bass is on the left and the treble is on the right. Don’t ask for it, be sure to make every note clear.
Lesson.5 – Mixed exercises and music
Once you have practiced the midrange scale, let’s continue with the scales of the bass and treble.